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Professional Coaching
Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know!
Functional Neurology that Makes a Real Difference!
These books will change your perspective, and that will change your practice for the better!
Doctor, independent of your method of practice, if you are not evaluating your patients from a neuromusculoskeletal perspective using functional manual muscle testing (MMT) as functional neurology you are missing a wealth of clinical data that cannot be discovered elsewhere.
Before you feel that your clinical expertise is adequate and there is no need to address physiological reflex issues, consider this: Benjamin Franklin once said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. But I'd like to add a third certainty: Gravity.
Gravity is the only constant in life — besides death and taxes — and it affects... READ MORE
What Your Brain Might Say if It Could Speak
"What a silly idea... Brains Don't Speak!"
"Your brain would disagree. Brains have their own way of getting their points across, it is called neurologese." It is not based on words per se, rather it displays itself in the structure -- the muscles. Understanding muscle function is the key to understanding brain-speak. What Your Brain Might Say if It Could Speak is uniquely written to simplify nutrition, exercise, and functional neurology so you can learn to listen to your brain speak loud and clear!
For information on What Your Brain Might Say if It Could Speak, (HealthBuilderS® Publishing) written for the general public, please go to
Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know
Where primitive reflexes were once saved for the youngest, the eldest, and the most infirmed in society, now functional neurology has revealed their greater application for general human performance. With his Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know, Dr. Michael Allen shares his unique clinical approach to primitive reflexes using manual muscle testing (MMT) as functional neurology. Accordingly, what used to be considered impossible has become a clinical expectation. These revolutionary ideas have earned Dr. Allen international acclaim in tens of countries on four different continents.
For information on Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know, (HealthBuilderS® Publishing) written for licensed healthcare professionals, please go to
Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know
Quick Reference Tables for Clinical Use
This quick reference desktop manual is full of tables and other clinical information useful for daily practice. All references are consistent with the data found in the book of the same title by Michael D. Allen, DC, NMD, DIBAK, DABCN, DAAIM, DCBCN, FACFN.
This manual is written for licensed healthcare professionals. It is a special gift with the purchase of both, What Your Brain Might Say if It Could Speak and Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know ($20 Value!) . For more information on Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know, Quick Reference Tables for Clinical Use (HealthBuilderS® Publishing), please go to
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