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Professional Coaching
Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know!
Sample Functional Neurology Videos
These videos are meant to introduce the viewer to some of the infrastructures of Dr. Allen's examination and treatment techniques. Many of them are advanced functions of various techniques already in clinical practice; others are newly developed applications. It is the perspective of each user that makes the difference between simply checking the reflexes before and after treatment and knowing why these reflexes work as they do that makes Dr. Allen's Ten Module Physiological Reflex Series so unique. Take a look!
Examples of Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) as Functional Neurology
The Deep Tendon Reflex
A new clinical application of the deep tendon reflex using manual muscle testing as functional neurology. This topic is discussed further in Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know. Read more: (
The Crossed Extensor Reflex
The crossed extensor reflex is the physiological display of Sherrington's law of reciprocal innervation using manual muscle testing as functional neurology (fMMT). This video has vast clinical application and is discussed further in Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know. Read more: (
The Tonic Neck Reflex
The tonic neck reflex has clinical application in everyday practice. This is one reason that a patient might experience both upper body and lower back conditions. Watch this simple application of manual muscle testing as functional neurology. You can read more on the tonic neck reflexes in Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know. Read more:(
The Galant Reflex
The Galant test has a new clinical application. It is used to evaluate paraspinal function in your everyday clinical setting. For more information on using manual muscle testing in the clinical application of the Galant reflex, see Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know. Read more:(
The Modified Galant Reflex
The Upper Galant reflex is a new clinical application of the Galant reflex dealing with manual muscle testing as functional neurology. For more information about the Upper Galant reflex check out Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know.
The Application of Tonic Neck Reflex in Clinical Practice
The tonic neck reflex (TNR) is one of the many primitive reflexes that contributes to the human neurological matrix. Some say retained primitive reflexes can disturb natural development and involve difficulties in social and educational children’s life, but this video demonstrates
otherwise. I believe that these and other primitive reflexes should always be retained and their persistence contributes to human neurological stability; their abnormal display is always pathological. This video not only discusses the normal tonic neck reflex pattern -- which should persist -- but it also shows its pathological function in a real patient. These reflexes can be rehabilitated, which contributes to functional restoration of the human neurological display. For more information about the Upper Galant reflex check out Dr. Allen's second book, Receptor Based Solutions; Functional Neurology Every Doctor Should Know.
Examples of Public Classes on Various Topics
Your Brain Speaks!
Your Brain Speaks, a public class about traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Allen presents up to date material from his private practice. For more information about Dr. Allen, please go to:
Your Brain Speaks! Q & A
Your Brain Speaks, Questions and Answers from a public class about traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Allen answers questions from the audience about the material presented in the Your Brain Speaks class. For more information about Dr. Allen, please go to:
You've Got that Dizzy Feeling!
This healthcare class not only teaches about the difference between being dizzy and having vertigo; the two are different. The first has more to do with balance and the second has a describable direction of spin. Dr. Allen demonstrates the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex as it applies to balance issues. For more information about Dr. Allen, please go to:
Professionally Oriented Classes
A Tonic Neck Reflex Update
Most doctors don't realize that the Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) must persist through all ages. It is fundamental to inherent human... BECAUSE THESE IDEAS CONFRONT TRADITIONAL THOUGHT REGARDING THE PRIMITIVE REFLEXES, THE REAL STUDENT OF HUMAN MOVEMENT WILL WATCH TO THE END BEFORE DECIDING THE MERITS OF THIS VIDEO. For more information about Dr. Allen, please go to:
Examining the Cerebellum
Dr. Allen has an ongoing involvement in producing an international functional neurology program for the International College of Applied Kinesiology. This video is the introductory offering for the USA Chapter meeting in Chicago, Illinois, August 2018. For more information about Dr. Allen, please go to:
A New Application of the Upper Galant Reflex
Dr. Allen demonstrates an innovative application of the NEW upper Galant reflex to evaluate nutritional need. For more information about the upper Galant reflex and/or Dr. Allen, please go to:
Reducing Wrist Pain
Dr. Allen demonstrates an innovative technique to reduce wrist pain yourself. For more information about these and more health-related issues, and/or more about Dr. Allen, please go to:
Prioritize Your Treatment Sequence
Knowing when to fix a particular problem and when to leave it alone is essential to the proper treatment of the nervous system. Dr. Allen demonstrates an inventive technique that helps the doctor make the right functional decisions. For more information about these and other techniques, and/or more about Dr. Allen, please go to:
Internationally Broadcast Webinar
Brain Based Clinical Secrets that Dramatically Control Chronic Pain; Using Primitive Reflexes to Modulate the Human Neurological Matrix
Chronic pain is a clinical issue that affects a myriad of people. Medications only mask the issues, but there are many natural answers when the doctor understands how to use manual muscle testing (MMT) as functional neurology. For more information about these ideas and/or more about Dr. Allen, please go to:
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