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Your Brain, Healthier!®

Mark Twain once said, “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.”
“A Consensus on the Brain Training Industry from the Scientific Community” from the Stanford Center for Longevity, October 20, 2014, states that, “As the baby boomers enter their golden years with mounting concerns about the potential loss of cognitive abilities, markets are responding with products promising to allay anxieties about potential decline. Computer-based cognitive-training software – popularly known as brain games – claim a growing share of the marketplace. The promotion of these products reassures and entices a worried public."

Consumers are told that playing brain games will make them smarter, keep them more alert, and help them learn faster and better. In other words, the promise is that if you adhere to a prescribed regimen of cognitive exercise, you will reduce cognitive slowing and forgetfulness, and will fundamentally improve your mind and brain.

Do you believe this Brain Training Industry statement to be true?  READ MORE
Ten Principles of Neuroplasticity You Should Know

First things first: What is neuroplasticity? Simply, it means "to change the brain."  It means hope for people with brain injuries and athletes alike. It suggests that brains can heal, adapt and rewire after they have been damaged.
Our brain's abilities improve when we practice and we are shaped by our experiences. Brain therapy is no different. Dr. Allen's techniques work because... Click Here to learn more.

The human nervous system is organized in terms of whole body function
he human system is receptor-dependent and fully integrated in its performance. No matter how hard you try or what specialty you practice, the human systems cannot be individuated. The body is one intricately connected system and it responds relative to the condition of its internal and external environments; it's all about whole body function. You see, your nervous system integrates everything that happens to your body from the outside in -- i.e., temperature, vision, hearing, etc. -- as well as everything that goes on inside your body and sends all that information to your brain to develop the appropriate response.

When I apply the principles of manual muscle testing (MMT) as functional neurology to my practice... Click Here for more details
Seven Principles of HealthBuilderS® Professional Coaching
  1. The entire human nervous system is receptor based;
  2. Tissues that are wired together fire together;
  3. Reciprocal joint motion nurtures the neuraxis;
  4. Always be building, but never exceeding functional capacity;
  5. The immune system and the nervous system are one in the same; whatever you do to one affects the other;
  6. Know what your brain might say if it could speak;
  7. Whole foods and whole food nutrients nourish the tissues.
Nine Principles of Good Health
  1. Breathing increases oxygen intake; the nervous system requires plenty of oxygen.
  2. Water is essential to life. Be sure it is as pure as possible, and free from contaminants.
  3. Protein is essential for good health. Check out this brief article for more information.
  4. Exercise should be done within capacity. Exceeding capacity only breaks things down.
  5. Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours nightly. Early to bed early to rise makes good sense.
  6. Elimination is essential to good health. Detoxification done regularly pays dividends.
  7. Whole foods have more nutrient value than processed or fast foods. Avoid additives!
  8. Nutritional supplementation should come from real food. Avoid alternatives.
  9. Stress reduction takes pressure off the nervous system. Stress is not your friend!

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